Saturday, April 27, 2019

A National Minimum Vacation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A National Minimum Vacation - rise Exampleils to acknowledge the relevance of the argument and in defense establishes a causative chain where he reasons that holidays are instrumental in facilitating development if recreation industry. People on vacation would require the operate of hotels, travel, recreation as well as restaurants, which means that this would be creation of jobs. According to Reich and so, increasing the vacation time would increase demand to such services as are provided by the players within the hotel and recreation industry hence increasing their productiveness. This shows that prolonged vacation contributes towards increased productivity in the country because of better performance by other industries. This paper establishes therefore that overall productivity of the American peoples productivity would be boosted by the increment of vacation time through boosting the productivity of individual player while at the same time creating higher opportunities wit hin subsidiary industries such as the hotel industry. Reich is therefore effectively supports his causal chain argument and I agree with him. Such policy legislation has the condenser of creating an incentive to individual employees who would reciprocate through increased productivity. Moreover, the need established through services needed by employees on vacation increases productivity of such subsidiary industries hence increased overall productivity in the country.Reich adopts an assertive tone in the entire excerpt as revealed through the choice of speech communication adopted as well as through his chronological argument. First, he feels and expresses his argument as a part of the entire system and therefore feels that he belongs and would desire such a change as he postulates. The argument presents the opinions respectfully, appropriately as well as clearly as shown through the quiet down and clarity of voice adopted. The choice of the words holds on for instance shows tha t he is confident and in reserve of his position in the

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